In 2019, Tottori is finally getting well-deserved credit as an “adventure destination.” Major Tokyo-based travel agency H.I.S. now has a “self-drive” tour package there, and the Canada-based tour company, G Adventures, will include the great Tottori Sand Dunes for its 2019 Japan tour. Despite being one of the least-visited prefectures from overseas tourists, according to stats from the Japan National Tourism Organization, Tottori is showing up in 2019 as a dose of homegrown intrigue outside the Golden Route.
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Sanctuaire Ogamiyama (大神山神社 奥宮)
L’histoire du sanctuaire d’Ōgamiyama remonte à l’ancien culte de Ōgaminotake, l’ancien nom du Mt Daisen. Appelé à l’origine le Grand Sanctuaire Chimyo Gongen, ce sanctuaire a reçu son nom actuel lorsque le bouddhisme et le Read more…